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subject: Financial Spread Betting With Margined Trading [print this page]

Are you interested in all the chat of margined trading along with spread betting? Do you wish to know more concerning what it is? Margined trading is in fact where the investor will take a loan from the broker. The actual stocks obtained with this loan act as the collateral. Note that margin trading is extremely risky.

How does margined trading function with financial spread betting? Basically your margin is a deposit that you make in order to cover potential losses when you are making the bet. Various companies will require different margin sizes when spread betting and the amount is determined by the amount that you bet - the greater your bet, the larger your potential losses and so the higher your margin. This serves to safeguard the company with whom you will be placing your bet, in addition to ensuring that you enter into a bet while using right mind set - you're not just risking the amount of your "buy," but the total amount of your margin if you lose your bet.

With margined trading the margin is determined according to the value of the bet and also the percentage margin necessary for the spread betting firm. In order to figure out your margin you get the quoted share price in pennies, multiply it by your bet amount in pounds after which multiply it by your company's percentage margin demands. The margin is typically very large in comparison with the size of your bet when spread betting, so this is not an investment decision for those with very little cash.

Then again, you are only having to pay a small portion of the value of the bet which allows you to create good leverage and possibly make a lot of cash from little confirmed capital outlay. If your spread betting just isn't going too well then you may find yourself getting a 'margin call'. In margined trading, a margin call is any time your margin is beginning to seem insufficient to cover your losses. In cases like this you will be faced with the option to either add more funds into your account, or close your position - if you wait too long the company will be required to close it for you.

When you consider a bet, if you possibly could negotiate a "stop loss" as low as possible then it will help you. Using as little margin as possible is also a intelligent step. The key principle with spread betting is to increase your successes and minimize your losses, if possible, at the same time. Usually this may involve a careful analysis of both, considering the risk/reward ratio of one's particular bet. Without having this level of thought, financial spread betting is a sure fire way to lose money rather than make it.

by: Sharon Dawkins

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