subject: Paying With Cash Can Cost You More [print this page] Protecting your family is very important and rightly so. Health insurance is one sure way of doing this for the benefit of every family member. A health insurance policy will give you peace of mind, knowing your medical needs will be met under a doctor's care and the expense of treatment will be taken care of without putting you and your family into bankruptcy.
One of the myths associated with health care, is the myth that cash paying customers are rewarded. Just the opposite is true. There is also another little known fact; you might be paying more than you think for services. A doctor will charge what they think is fair and cash customers could very well be paying more than insured patients. Fair and reasonable charges are an open ended discussion, depending on who is paying the bill and what treatment was used.
Insured patients know that submitted bills are always reduced. This is true even if you decide that you as a patient have no intention on paying any part of the bill. Services rendered to insured patients are kept in check and within reason by the health insurance industry and will only approve a limited amount of payment they feel is reasonable and customary for the services provided. It should be easy to realize using a health insurance policy will help reduce medical expenses for everyone.
Expect to pay more if you are a private pay patient. Don't expect discounted rates for cash payment, even though discounted rates are standard practice for insured patients and are honored by doctors and hospitals everywhere. Private payers on average for the same services provided will pay three times more. This is the result of not being held accountable to the reasonable and customary standard charges of health company insurers.
Any health insurance policy, no matter how mediocre, will save you some serious money. Even if you can and would rather pay cash, you might want to reconsider your position on this issue. A insurance policy will help you reduce and save money on medical bills, up front or otherwise. Annual exams, screening tests, blood work as well as doctor office visits can quickly add up, but will pale in comparison to these same services and the charges associated without using reasonable and customary standards set forth by the health insurance companies.
by: Ethan Kalvin
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