subject: The Secret To A Successful Business [print this page] How many articles or books have you read about the "secrets" to success, I know I've read my share. And after you cut through all the garbage the authors add to expand their take on business "secrets" all of them usually boil down to the same basic things.
These business basics or fundamentals have always been the same. Writers rename them so they sound different or to make the writer appear to have something better to tell. But the truth is they are still the same old tried and true basic fundamentals of business.
As long as you follow these basic fundamentals consistently on a daily basis you will be successful. However, stop doing any one of them and the others will not work. They have to be done together its a package deal. Many have tried short cuts or spending more time on one basic over the rest in hopes of being more successful but in the end they all fell short. Eventually if they go back and work the basics in order and consistently again they are able to save their business.
All successful people and businesses operate on these basic fundamentals. The internet is full of examples of those following them but its also littered with the remnants of those who didn't.
So what are these "secret" basic fundamentals of which I speak? Those of you who have been practicing them, sometimes without even knowing it, will recognize them. Those who have heard of them but never really gave any credence to their effectiveness will see them and think "what's the big deal, I tried them and they didn't work for me". And those of you who have never heard of them will think they are to simple to be that great.
Well I know they work because I've built several businesses using them and I still practice them today. So I'm not trying to sell you anything I'm just offering them to you to either use or forget about the choice is yours.
1) Lead generation
Building your database by contacting potential (prospects) clients and/or customers
2) Lead Transition
Converting those prospects into clients and/or customers
3) Contract Fulfillment
Delivering on what you promised your clients and/or customers
4) Referrals - Follow-up Lead Generation
Personal contact with past clients and/or customers
There you have them simple and concise, no need to write pages about them just copy them down in the order they are listed in. Post them somewhere you can see them everyday and practice them daily and consistently. No if, ands or buts you will be on the path to success.
Give them a try, what have you got to lose.
I will be writing more in the future about necessary skill sets and other business building ideas so check with me if you're interested. Oh and please comment.
by: beasocial1
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