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subject: The Covenant Of Wealth Will Increase Your Finances [print this page]

Look at this article and quickly observe that God does want us to become prosperous and went as far as to create a covenant of wealth together with his people.

The covenant of wealth is undoubtedly an agreement between God and his people where God promises that he will supply for and heal His people. The covenant was God's idea but not mans.

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Deuteronomy 8:18 you shall bear in mind the Lord your God: for it is he who provides you with power to get wealth, that he may establish (continue) his covenant which he swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob which is still the same today.

The word wealth, as translated from this verse means plenteous in goods. And if you don't mind my saying just what exactly this really means is that it is God's will and covenant for all of us to get quite a lot of good stuff.

Do not get crazy on me, this will not necessarily show that God wants everyone to become a millionaire nonetheless it does show that God wants us to get nice things. God never wants us to become poor.

Dollars is not evil nevertheless the love of dollars is evil. I've met rich those that love dollars and I know poor those that love dollars which is evil in both cases. It is not noble to become poor because the Bible even tells us in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 that poverty and sickness is a curse.

Jesus said in John 10:10 I am come that you could have life and possess it more abundantly. I proclaim if Jesus came with the intention that we would have an abundant life the least we can do is live an abundant life.

Someone has to pay the bills and those that have more than enough dollars are the those that pay the bills. It will require dollars for evangelism, to help keep the lights on inside the church, to send a television signal which carries the gospel into other countries, to pay the preacher and to feed the poor.

The rule of thumb is from is Matthew chapter 6:33 when Jesus said, Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything required shall be granted to you. This is not poverty. Having everything required given unto you is prosperity and that is what Jesus said we could and should have.

The covenant of wealth is a promise God made to Abraham which is still in place today for all Christians who are sons and daughters of Abraham according to Galatians chapter 3:7 which states that people who are of faith are the children of Abraham.

Verse 9 of the same chapter says they which are of faith are blessed by God the same as Abraham.

Genesis 13:2 And Abraham was very rich in cattle, in silver and in gold. Read the complete blessing of Abraham in Deuteronomy 28:1-14. This is the way all sons and daughters of Abraham are suppose to live.

by: Gen Wright

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