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subject: Takers movie review [print this page]

Takers is the logical result of watching Heat over and over and over until your brain burns out, and then wondering what it would look like if the whole thing were remade as a Smirnoff Vodka commercial. It contains a half-hearted bank robber plot, a lot of over-produced filler-scenes, and one surprisingly creative chase sequence (thrillingly carried almost entirely by Chris Brown) which no matter how fast it runs cannot escape the fact it's stuck in this movie called Takers. In addition to being a generally terrible, occasionally laughable overall experience, for me it's also the nail in the coffin of the career of Matt Dillon who, at one point, for some reason, was once regarded as a legitimate acting talent. Now I'd rather be watching his brother Johnny Drama. At least when he calls someone "buddy" for the hundredth time, I sort of believe it.

===>Click here to watch takers movie online for free

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