subject: Calling All Newbies - This Is How You Make Money Online [print this page] When you are a newbie trying to learn how to make money online, its very easy to become frustrated and just give up before you really get started. The reason why most newbies get so frustrated is because during their quest to find out about making money online, they end up on a million different email lists, most of which never teach a thing. So let me just break down the basics for you and help you get going.
Now of course the first thing you need in order to make money online is something to sell. This can be either a product you created yourself, an affiliate product or some type of service. Since you are a newbie, I would suggest going with an affiliate product. I say that because out of the three options, affiliate marketing is probably to quickest way to start bringing in income. You also don't have to worry about some of the technical stuff you might have to worry about when it comes to trying to sell your own product.
The first step is to sign up with an affiliate network. Clickbank is by far the most popular and the easiest to get started with. Once you sign up, its time to find what product you want to promote. One thing I always look for is the amount of material that is provided to the affiliate. Some vendors on clickbank will provide articles, emails, keyword lists and even free reports you can use to help promote the product. The more material they provide, the better. It just makes your job that much easier. You also want to look at the gravity of the product. If it has a zero gravity, then that means no sales of that product have been made by any clickbank affiliate.
A high gravity on the other hand means that a lot of affiliate have made a sale. These numbers a very important. You never want to promote a product that hasn't made any sales. Always promote a product that is a proven winner. That way at least you know the product does indeed sell. After you find the product you want to sell you will need to set up a simple blog and start driving traffic to it. Once you start getting traffic you should have no problem getting sales.
by: H. Miller
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