subject: House Insurance Quote [print this page] Whether you are a home owner or are renting the home you live in, house insurance should be considered a necessity rather than a luxury. Although it may seem like an expense that you may not feel you can afford, it can prove to be an immense money saver in the long run. The key is to make sure you are getting the best value for your money.
It is always best to get more than one house insurance quote so you can compare prices and policies. Since there is no one standard house insurance policy, it's a good idea to decide what type of coverage you require. If you are renting then content insurance for the possessions in your home as well as personal liability insurance may be all that you need. Before you begin getting insurance quotes, it is recommended that you go through your home room by room and make a list of all your belongings making sure to include any items you may have in a garage or outdoor shed.
Placing a monetary value on all the items on your list is the next step in the process. Although getting replacement value rather than market value with your house insurance may cost slightly more it can end up saving you hundreds or thousands of dollars at a time when you can least afford extra expenditures. With market value the insurance company will only pay you the amount that the item is worth at the time of your claim. If for example you purchased a new bedroom set 10 years ago for $5,000 it would certainly be worth considerably less if your were to sell it today. If however you have chosen replacement value, the insurance company would have to pay you the cost of replacing your bedroom set with a brand new comparable one, minus whatever your deductable amount is.
The deductable amount on your contents insurance policy is where you may be able to lower your insurance premiums. In most cases, the higher your deductable amount is the more savings you will realize on your policy. It is also an area where you should use some caution before deciding on what to set your deductable amount to. This dollar figure will be what is required by you to pay upfront before your house insurance company will reimburse you for any claim. So, although setting this amount at $1,000 may save on your monthly premiums you need to make sure that you will be able to afford to pay it at the time of a claim.
You next step is to get as many house insurance quotes as possible which you can do quickly and easily by visiting one or more house insurance quote search engines right on your computer. By simply answering a few basic questions about your house insurance needs you can almost immediately receive a house insurance quote from several insurance companies and insurance brokers. Once you have narrowed down your search to several that look promising, it is recommended that you speak directly to an insurance agent who can give you more detailed information on the types of policies and payment plans they have that match your needs. When speaking to agents who have given you a house insurance quote make sure to discuss a personal liability option. If anyone visiting your home has an accident and sustains some type of injury, it could result in a large personal injury lawsuit. It is important to be financially protected in such a case.
Take a little time to do some initial research by getting more than one house insurance quote and speaking to several insurance agents. House insurance is an expense that could mean the difference between being financially devastated and being able to recover from such unexpected things like fire or burglary.
House Insurance Quote
By: lexoremman
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