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subject: What Skin Products Are Right For You? [print this page]

The packaging may be pretty, but will do nothing to alleviate problems with acne, reduce fine lines, smooth wrinkles, or replenish the moisture and oils to dazzle your complexion. When it comes to cosmetics and many other things, is what's inside that counts.

If you feel overwhelmed by the many options currently available products, and the 'miracles' of each reputation for increasingly familiar with terms used in cosmetology and its true meaning can be useful for distinguishing the goods that are and are unsuitable for you.

Cosmetic companies are required to disclose accurately all content in their products, listed in order of concentration from the most to the least. Certain aesthetic, however, can be confusing and misleading to the consumer, such terms as 'all natural' and 'fragrance-free,' for example.

While all individuals do not mean that the ingredients used are derived from natural sources like plants and other organic materials, use of the term applied to cosmetics is not regulated by the FDA. Some cosmetics companies are not concerned with accuracy or with a reputation for misleading consumers often by applying the term for your product.

It should be noted that according to the author and cosmetics expert Paula Begoun, in her book 'Do not go to the cosmetics counter without me', there is no scientific evidence that 'natural ingredients' are more beneficial to the skin than synthetic ones.

Products that are advertised are unscented can still use aromatic plant extracts to mask the unpleasant odor resulting from raw materials used. These extracts may cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Fragrance-free, then it can only mean that the product lacks the 'remarkable' flavor. 'Irritant-free' is a term to search more reliable product.

Alcohol-free products can be free of 'grain alcohol', which is drying. However, other forms of alcohol such as lanolin alcohol or cetearyl alcohol may still be used. For people with sensitive skin, Ms. Begoun suggests using products that list any component of alcohol just before or just after the list of preservatives.

The wise consumer selecting cosmetic products based on the content of the ingredients and performance, not the packaging or brand. High end cosmetics will not necessarily work better than those that cost less, and the product of a mark may be excellent, while another product of the same brand ineffective. Therefore, 'brand loyalty' will not necessarily benefit consumers.

Many department stores cosmetic companies have merged. In all likelihoods, the purchases of cosmetics, having three different 'brands' may actually all be distributed by the cosmetics company itself. In fact, over 75% of a department store cosmetic lines are currently owned either by Estee Lauder and L'Oreal.

The short and sweet of it is to forget the hype. Skin of each person is different. Find out what works for you and stick with it. Following a daily skin care regimen tailored to your skin type, using tried and true products, give your face a healthy glow like no other.

by: Ali khan

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