subject: Bios Life Slim™ Franchise, Is The Opportunity Really This Good? [print this page] Recently I became aware of a new opportunity in the weight loss category called Bios Life Slim. Like we really need another one right? At least that was my first response. After being force fed a few videos I came to realize that these guys might actually have something different. In fact I now call it the "Holy Grail of Weight Loss". When you watch their very scientific and fact based videos you too will understand why I give it this moniker.
So just imagine if you will a weight loss/fat burner product that works very effectively without any change in diet and is all natural. That's right, without changing your normal eating habits! Of course it works even better if you make a conscious effort to eat healthier but it is not a requirement. What is a requirement is a full on commitment to follow the plan for a minimum of 90 days. Drinking Bios Life Slim at least twice a day with your meals trains your body to burn away excess fat. The videos explain how this works much better than I can.
Bios Life Slim is listed in the prestigious Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR) found in every doctors office in the country mainly because of all the clinical studies and papers published on the products effectiveness. Not only burning fat but lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) by an average of 31% while raising good cholesterol (HDL) by an average of 29%. Bios Life Slim is also good for your heart and is diabetic friendly. Many users have reported being able to reduce and even come completely off their insulin injections, under doctors supervision of course. The product is all natural and has a taste very similar to an orange Popsicle with vanilla ice cream inside.
Ok, so now we have a quality weight loss product that does much more than just burn fat and attached a franchise opportunity to it starting at only $40. Add to it state of the art websites with shopping cart and award winning videos. The Bios Life Franchise opportunity is what I call the perfect storm. Oh, did I mention they have a phenomenal new natural Energy drink called "E" as well?
As an accomplished internet marketer I find that having all the tools ready to utilize is so important. I'm frankly tired of waiting for startups to mature and eventually develop the very tools that Bios Life already has in place. Just give me a great website that I can drive traffic to and have it convert like crazy. After all, the franchise opportunity piggybacks on the backbone of Unicity International, a 16 year old company with roots all the way back to the old Rexall Drug days. The Unicity infrastructure allows us franchise owners to market the Bios Life product line in over 27 countries and counting.
In summary what we have is a highly sought after product line, state of the art marketing tools, full on product and opportunity web sites with shopping carts integrated, and lastly, back office and personal training of the highest caliber. That my friends is why I call the Bios Life Slim Franchise opportunity, the "Perfect Storm".
Copyright (c) 2009 Ken Hightower
by: Ken Hightower
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