subject: Should You Use Surgery Or Natural Treatments To Remove Moles [print this page] There are a lot of reasons that individuals think about getting moles eliminated. Moles can be a nuisance, irritating, and sensitive to the touch. Some moles can itch, some can be slightly raised above the skin where clothing can rub. Despite the annoyances moles can provide, the biggest reason we consider mole removal is one thing: Vanity.
The presence of a mole will greatly affect the your sense of attractiveness. There is no doubt that sometimes the psychological effect a mole can have on us has a much greater impact than the physical aspects. While there is a risk of a mole developing into malignant melanoma (skin cancer), the chances remain very slim. Most moles do their harm only by affecting our physical appearance!
The individuals who want to pursue mole removal treatments probably are attempting to regain their self confidence, or just to be more attractive in general. But whether you care about the vanity or just getting rid of the annoying thing, you have some possibilities available to you:
1. Surgery
Mole removal making use of surgery procedures is usually achieved by cutting at the skin, sometimes via an oval-type incision to get deep enough at the roots. This is certainly a valid and successful method, but it is usually followed by a period of discomfort and eventually scarring.
2. Laser
Mole removal through surgical procedures is common, and also extremely useful. There is less likely to be any scar remaining after the process, but the procedure usually involves multiple treatments and is more expensive than surgery.
3. Freezing
This is about shaving the mole down using a scalpel to get close enough to the core, or the roots, and dry ice is used to freeze the affected area. A bandage is worn to prevent infection, and the area scabs, sometimes leaving a scar behind.
4. Natural Remedies
There are more than a few natural home remedies for removing moles all over the web that just don't work the way they're supposed to. A person must be careful in this approach, because while some ingredients are natural, certain areas of the body are more sensitive to others, and some moles may be more sensitive to specific ingredients. However, with correct guidance you may get certain instructions that will have your mole fading in just a few days, and there is no risk of scarring at all!
by: Larry Jones
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