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subject: I've Got My Copy - Honest Traffic Anarchy Review [print this page]

You may currently be buying traffic or leads from a well known source in your niche marketplace, and whether you are a newbie or perhaps a veteran internet marketer, you have asked yourself again -

"Should I purchase much more web site traffic?

You currently know you should have enough online site visitors for your site, and they must be willing to buy what you provide before you are able to produce earnings on the web.

More Web Site Visitors is much better, right? Not necessarily!

You believe, should you could just buy much more web site visitors , you'd make more money, but it just never seems to work out that way... the much more web website traffic you buy the much more your advertising costs seem to be usually.

Here is one way to improve your earnings when you can't increase web site visitors for whatever reason?

Improve your conversion rate by targeting the best high quality leads at the lowest cost.

Can you figure out how to get 60 sales from 2000 site visitors instead of 3000 that you broke even at with a PPC campaign

That's only a 1% change within the conversion rate:

60 sales/2% conversion = 3000 site visitors

60 sales/3% conversion = 2000 site visitors

Assuming each sale was worth $20, that's $1200/3000 = $.40 cost per visitor

So 2000 visitors x .40 = $800 or a profit of $400 rather than $ - breaking even

1% improvement in conversion rate results in an exponential improve in profits of $400 in this case.

The point is most internet marketers generally focus on growing web site traffic rather than improving the results they're obtaining from the traffic they're already have.

Also if you will add a personally referred traffic source such as article marketing to your campaigns you would decrease the cost of acquiring your visitors, by generating your own high quality visitors which convert better, increasing the rate you are able to produce earnings online

Earnings are measured in sales results, not by improve in web site traffic!

by: Sam Johnson.

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