subject: Watercan, Leaders Of Clean Water Projects In Developing Countries [print this page] WaterCan is a Canadian charity running different Clean Water Projects in many communities throughout eastern Africa. WaterCan's projects are put in place in local communities, their goals being to ensure easy access to clean water for these communities, and to promote the use of basic sanitation and hygiene education. Access to clean water, basic sanitation and hygiene education is a first step in forging a brighter future of children, women and men in the most impoverished areas of the world. WaterCan is all about community empowerment; sustainable projects will allow for the clean water, sanitation and hygiene education programs to be in place for years to come, improving the quality of life for future generations of those communities. The main Clean Water Projects run by WaterCan at the present time are located in Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya, four of the most in need regions of Africa.
Ethiopia is a large country; its population counts around 79 million of individuals. Unfortunately, statistics indicate that Ethiopia counts 164 child mortality per 1000 live births, 52 years of life average expectancy, only 22% of people have access to clean water and only13% have access to basic sanitation like toilets or latrines. Life conditions in Ethiopia are shockingly disastrous and WaterCan has taken it upon itself since 1988 to help Ethiopian communities to build a future for their younger generations. WaterCan works with indigenous partner organizations in the country to help promote their vision. WaterCan's Ethiopian partners are: Water Action, Oromo Self Reliance Organization, Rural Community Water Development Organization and Cheshire Foundation Action for Inclusion.
WaterCan runs Clean Water Projects in Kenya and Uganda as well. Kenya has always been viewed as Africa's bastion of peace and prosperity and Uganda is a small, yet fertile country with a promising future. Despite those great qualities, Kenya and Uganda have pockets of deep poverty. These two countries are located in sub-Saharan Africa, the region lagging most behind in making progress Many people in Kenya still live in extreme poverty, with half the population earning less than $2 US a day, while Uganda child death rate continues to be 17 times greater than Canada's. WaterCan is working to improve livelihoods and community health through the provision of clean, safe drinking water, basic sanitation and hygiene education. WaterCan's programs help to build brighter futures for everyone, especially children.
Tanzania is east Africa's largest country and features a very diverse population, with more than 126 ethnic groups. WaterCan has been working with Tanzanian communities since 2003 and the country has made significant strides since then. The Clean Water Projects delivered in Tanzania have helped to improve water coverage statistics, but 38% of the population still do not have access to reliable and sustainable clean drinking water sources. .
WaterCan is running Clean Water Projects in those four East African countries with the ideal goal of helping communities to empower themselves and see a brighter future for generations to come. Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania are four of the most in need countries of the world, and with the help of WaterCan, their life expectancy, general health and water supply coverage are being greatly improved.
To find out more about WaterCan and its Clean Water Projects, please visit Watercan.
Watercan, Leaders Of Clean Water Projects In Developing Countries
By: Seo5 Consulting
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