subject: A Review: Change Your Mlm Life - Simply Buy Magnetic Sponsoring! [print this page] Have you tried calling an irate phone lead? Or what about looking pathetic, asking friends and family to invest as your downline? If these have happened to you, don't you think it's time to check what's wrong? It's definitely not you since you have tried everything just to make your MLM business work. Whose fault is it, then? You wouldn't want to hear what I will be telling you, but it is true, anyway. For a long time, the MLM industry has depended on tricks and tactics that will not get you profits. They always ask you to try the tried and tested ways, which are not really tried and tested. Even with modern technology, it seems like nothing has changed. But this will all change if you buy Magnetic Sponsoring.
Is it for you?
Here comes a man name Mike Dillard, who has published a new book that has stirred everything up. If you buy Magnetic Sponsoring, you will be able to see a new world within the old.
Magnetic Sponsoring is not your usual self-help book on MLM matters. Rather it is the anti-thesis of MLM itself. It advocates everything contrary to the strategies of multi-level marketing.
The Big Difference
Now, there is hope for MLM, if you buy Magnetic Sponsoring. The book contains really simple tips, which are doable and profitable. The highlight of the book is Dillard's theory on magnetism or attraction. He says that you can use the inert attraction theory to lure potential clients and downline. Being successful has never looked this good. Now all you have to do is be a successful in your business and the people will do the rest.
For one thing, those are EXACTLY the issues that Magnetic Sponsoring would like to resolve.
by: Art Basmajian
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