subject: Ovarian Cyst Pain in Teens [print this page] Ovarian cysts are not only formed in mature women but also might be formed in women during their teens that they might also experience ovarian cysts pain in teens. Ovarian cysts are also becoming very common among adolescents and teens. Even though the presence of ovarian cysts might sound very ominous, most of the types of ovarian cysts and pain associated with it in pre-teens and teens get resolved all by themselves without requiring any special kind of treatment. The decision of treating teens with ovarian cyst pain might greatly depend on the kind of ovarian cysts and the side it has formed apart from the general health of the sufferer.
Ovarian cysts found in teens might most often be the functional cyst types which would have formed due to hormonal alterations which normally take place during or around the ovulation period. The ovarian cysts of these types might become big and shrink according to the fluctuations in the hormonal levels and can even get resolved completely on their own over many menstrual cycles.
The factors that increased the risk of ovarian cyst pain in teens include the cyst size and the side on which the cysts are formed. The smaller the size of the ovarian cyst the less the complications and symptoms but when there are bigger size ovarian cysts, they might cause discomfort and pain in the abdominal region. Bleeding during the periods can become heavy or light than the normal bleeding and even sometimes without any bleeding at all. This might be due to the presence of ovarian cysts in teens.
Teenagers should seek the help of doctors when they experience ovarian cyst pain in their abdomen region along with fever, nausea, vomiting, pain in the pelvic area, anemia, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, emergence of facial hair similar to males, swelling in the abdomen, noticeable pelvic or abdominal mass, excess urination or thirst, weight loss, low or high blood pressure.
Some of the tests and examinations that are done to diagnose ovarian cysts in teens includes the endo-vaginal ultrasound test which is a special kind of imaging the pelvic organs and the ovarian cysts present inside, CT or MRI scan for getting the details of ovarian cysts, laparoscopic surgery for both identifying the ovarian cyst and for removing them or also for taking biopsy, serum CA-125Assay is a type of blood test done for checking the substance known as CA-125 associated with cancer of the ovaries, hormone level tests and pregnancy tests for ruling out ectopic pregnancy as they too can exhibit similar symptoms associated with ovarian cysts.
Natural Remedies for Curing Ovarian Related Disorders
There is a scientifically proven way to reverse and eliminate all ovarian cysts and PCOs within two months naturally It is unbelievably easy, step-by-step actions you could already be taking to say goodbye to ovarian cysts and PCOs forever. You can learn more about the natural and home remedy for completely getting rid of ovarian cysts and the other ovarian related disorders by visiting the guide on natural cure for ovarian disorders here.
Ovarian Cyst Pain in Teens
By: Nathan Michael
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