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Body Contouring: Find Out Why You Should Consider It

If you recently lost a large amount of weight, you deserve to feel proud of your accomplishment. While you probably feel better about your appearance and health, you might be frustrated if you are not the exact shape you had hoped you would be.

It is not unexpected for extreme weight loss to end in a different look than you imagined, but it can be fixed. Body contouring is one simple way to get started.

The first thing that you and others might notice is a lot of loose skin. This is especially true if you lost the weight rather quickly, since your skin has not had time to snap back into place where the fat used to be. If you are too embarrassed by this issue to go to the beach or pool just yet, know that a series of surgeries, often called body contouring, can improve your situation.

Most of the treatments are specific to a certain area. For example, the tummy tuck, also called an abdominoplasty, involves getting rid of any loose skin or flab on your stomach. Even after weight loss, it might not lay as flat as you would like, so this type of surgery can help.

If you have similar issues on any other part of your body, you can get liposuction. This is often necessary to get rid of any stubborn flab left over on your hips, legs, or arms.

Many women are self-conscious about having breasts that are no longer perky. Even if they are now smaller due to weight loss, they might look flat, saggy, or misshapen. There is a special type of body contouring called a breast lift. Excess fat and saggy skin will be removed through an incision, and then the breasts will be resized and shaped to your specifications.

One of the additional advantages of body contouring is that you can often get all these procedures at one time. If you want to get it over with and not have to be recovering from different surgeries for the rest of the year, you may consider this route.

Of course, you will have to first make sure that you are a good candidate for each one, and find a doctor who can perform them all. You should also be prepared for the recovery period, since you will be healing from several surgeries all at once. However, after a few months, you should see a difference in every part of your body that you had treated.

by: Abigail Aaronson

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