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subject: Do You Agree That Money Makes More Money? [print this page]

You always hear people say that you need to have money to have more money. People need an excuse for their being poor, and that is a convenient way of explaining why they remain poor.

Having money may indeed make it easier to make more money, but certainly it is not a precondition for making more money. There are those who succeeded in becoming rich and millionaires in spite of having been bankrupt or broke or being poor. Do you suppose that they had money? Maybe they have a few dollars in their pockets.

How can you make money if you have nothing to start with?

You must have two essential things - knowledge and action. The knowledge part is really not that difficult. You can get ideas on how to start your own business from books available in your local library. All businesses is somewhat involved in selling whether of goods or services, so whatever your business is you should learn more about the craft of selling from the local library.

The second part is a bit more difficult. You actually have to put into practice what you have learned about making money. I have one problem with the book, Think and Grow Rich. The book is great and everyone should read it, but for one thing - it does not tell you that you actually have to act in order to make money and get rich. Thinking about it without doing anything will not help you reach your goal.

A large number of people, taking their inspiration from the internet-generated information that it is possible to make money even when one has no money, took the easy way and put up little websites and/or signed up as an affiliate for a product, and expected to see money start pouring in.

Go to your local library and research and study the art of selling, then you will be able to use effectively what you have learned about advertising in the internet.

The bottom line is that you can make money even when you do not have any.

by: Erica Moore.

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