subject: Make Informed Choices For Your Insurance Needs [print this page] Insurance covering homeowners from a multitude of unforeseen natural disasters and civil liability is important to have. If you are a homeowner you need to make informed choices regarding your insurance needs. If you are under insured or have no insurance at all you are setting yourself up for financial disaster in the event of a disaster.
Home insurance can be purchased to cover nearly anything. Most problems are covered in standard homeowner insurance policies but that isn't always the case. Additional riders to the policy are required in some instances and this varies from state to state. Liability insurance is an extremely important type of coverage.
Injuries to visitors or those who are on your property for any reason can result in a lawsuit naming you as the responsible party to cover the medical bills. A civil action can bankrupt you. Liability insurance coverage will pay the bills on your behalf and the insurance company will represent you throughout the legal proceedings. Theft insurance is another category that a good policy will cover.
A good policy reimburses you for the loss of property that occurs during a burglary, a vehicle break-in on your property, or the theft of items from your yard. Wind, tornado and hurricane damage are possibilities depending on where you live. You need to make certain your homeowner's policy covers these things specifically. Trees fall onto homes and shutters and shingles are ripped off in high winds.
Your clean up expenses can easily reach thousands of dollars. Insurance claims for fires are among the most common claims made. Folks can work for years to clean up after a fire and restore their home to its original state. Flood insurance is sometimes covered in a homeowner insurance policy as a rider.
The coverage is often dependent on whether or not the federal government has named your location as a designated flood plain eligible for flood insurance. If this designation hasn't been made you might find that flood insurance isn't available. Ask your agent for a recommendation. Sewer back-up is another common problem that may not be included in your policy.
Many homeowners believe sewer back-up protection is included in their policies when it isn't. There are a couple of additional considerations you should be aware of when considering homeowner insurance protection. The first is that there are various deductibles. The deductible is your out-of-pocket costs before your insurance begins paying.
Insurance with low deductibles protects your assets but costs more than policies with higher deductibles. Some insurance pays for loss of property based on its original or depreciated value costs more but pays to restore your property to the same state it was in before the fire, flood or other damage. If you are a homeowner don't take chances with your family's financial future. Make an educated decision concerning the kind of insurance you need on your home.
by: Nick Messe
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