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subject: Six Steps To Improve Your Body Image [print this page]

A positive body image is that we must all fight. This is when you know yourself and who you are. You have a real sense of its size, shape and weight. You look like you're in the present. You agree to itself, but may be overweight. You believe in yourself and love yourself while striving for something better. When you have a positive body image, no time spent obsession with food, weight, calories, exercise, etc. You are proud of who you are and feel comfortable in your own body.

Many people who suffer from binge eating disorder is not positive body image. Instead, they have very distorted image of how they see themselves. Here are six ways to create a positive body image of yourself.

1. Create a list of people you admire. Write down what each person to admire. While writing the features you want, take note of what you're typing.

For example, suppose you had a great respect for Oprah. Your list might include his generosity to people, their willingness to support what she believes, and his strong character that was for success no matter what background he came from. I do not admire Oprah because of his appearance, which I admire because of the difference that she has done in the world. For his contribution to society. How has touched and changed many lives.

2. Remember that once in your life when you felt good about yourself.

Travel back in your life to a time when you're happy with your body. Perhaps this was in high school or college. Whatever the time, close your eyes and remember how you felt. Let these radiate good feelings within you.

3. Write what you like about yourself now.

Take a sheet of paper and write down everything you like about yourself: your legs, your eyebrows, your smile, your hair, etc. The key here is to focus on the tastes of one person instead of many disappointments. Start appreciating what I love about yourself. This will make you feel better overall.

4. Observe how you carry yourself when walking.

Do you walk with your head down at the floor? Did you drop your shoulders? Perk up! Start walking and making eye contact with people. Keep your head held high. Walk with your shoulders held back.

5. Start exercising.

If you have not exercised in a while, start slow. Take a walk outside on a nice day. If you're used to exercising, keep it up and change your routine so that you do not get bored. When you exercise you begin to feel good about himself, even for 15 minutes. Start slow and work your way up.

6. Hang out with positive people.

Take a look at the people closest to you. People are positive or negative? Chances are if they are negative about this attitude is reflected in you and in your attitude. Try to limit your time with any negativity that this will only make you feel bad about yourself. It will concentrate on the things you do not like yourself.

Start feeling good about yourself and learn to accept himself. Gradually, you will notice the changes that have occurred. Learn to be on your side instead of always being against himself. Shoulders back and stop thinking what your not. Loving the person you are and the person you are becoming.

by: Ali khan

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