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subject: The Main Signs Of High Blood Pressure [print this page]

High blood pressure is known as a silent murderer. And probably most do not even think about your blood pressure. However, high blood pressure can be very serious. There are some symptoms that may indicate that you have high blood pressure, and may prevent you from having a stroke. So read on, because it can save your life or the life of someone you know.

Some of the typical signs of high blood pressure are headaches, dizziness, beaten about the ears and nose bloodied. However, some people experience a little pain in the back of his head or increased urination.

Despite an increase in the urine can mean that your blood sugar is too high, if you are diabetic. That's why it's hard to see the signals. However, if you have diabetes and are experiencing increased urination, and headache, then just check your blood sugar and see if that is the cause. If not, then you can rule out blood sugar, and whether they have high blood pressure.

Add salt to your diet can also inflate your risk of blood pressure. Having too much salt in your diet can increase blood pressure. Talk to your doctor if you need to reduce their salt intake.

Nevertheless, if you must reduce the salt, you can use many other herbs instead of salt. Garlic, scallions, and onions are good alternatives. Reduce the bar is not too bad, just think of the alternative.

You shouldn't ignore a high blood pressure, can be very serious if not controlled. The result could be that having a stroke. A stroke can be very dangerous and limiting their movements. So go to the doctor and see if you have high blood pressure.

by: Ali khan

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