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subject: Natural ADHD Treatment - An Honest Look at Costs and Effectiveness [print this page]

ADHD can be quite expensiveADHD can be quite expensive. As it costs about $13,000 a year just to raise a normal child, that cost rockets when you have all the problems of the ADHD meds, hospital visits and check ups. Unfortunately ADHD kids tend to have more accidents at home and at school which result in fractures. They also tend to suffer from more chronic illnesses such as asthma. Add to that costs of ADHD teenagers having car accidents and you have quite hefty bills to pay. The costs of ADHD to the American nation has been calculated at $77 billion.! So is natural ADHD treatment cheaper?

Medical insurance?

If your medical insurance covers the cost of the psychostimulant medications such as Adderall XR, Vyvanse which are the expensive ones, then you have little to worry about. But if it does not, then there is a possible medical bill of at least $150 a month. I know that you can get generic Ritalin at a cost of $60 a month. Now the cost of homeopathic treatment could be as little as $35 a month. Herbal remedies are maybe a little more expensive. So natural ADHD treatment is definitely cheaper.

Are psychostimulants worth all the risks?

As regards effectiveness, psychostimulants have had a very mixed press. There are many reasons for this. First, it now appears that the medications can sometimes be every effective in making hyperactive children calmer, getting them to focus more and also reducing behavioral problems, it seems. I know many parents who swear by these drugs. There are however a sizable minority who have real problems with the side effects. That means adding in other costs to cope with the side effects so the child may be prescribed sleeping pills. There may be medication for stomach problems and so on. It seems to be never ending. There are now many question marks about their effectiveness in the long term.

Costs of behavior therapy for ADHD

Natural ADHD treatment also includes a valid ADHD behavioral therapy program or child behavior modification treatment. Now instead of throwing up your hands in horror at the cost of therapists and never ending sessions, why not look at other alternatives.

I would look for a program which you can study at home, but not any old program. I would first of all look for one which is respected and written by a leading behavior specialist who has a lot of knowledge in the field of ADHD, behavior problems and other issues. I know that you can buy one with a free month's trial and the cost is probably the same as two visits to a therapist who would just take notes on the behavior patterns of your child and how you react to them. They have not even started the therapy yet!

As regards effectiveness of the natural ADHD treatment, I cannot make any predictions as each child reacts differently. What I can tell you though is that the homeopathic remedies have no side effects, no health risks and no danger of addiction. Why not visit my website to find out more?

Natural ADHD Treatment - An Honest Look at Costs and Effectiveness

By: Robert William Locke

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