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Garmin Nuvi 765t Information Online

Many people have become sat nav devoteesMany people have become sat nav devotees. They save time and money and put an end to the frustration of getting lost. Garmin is one of the most popular types, famous for their reliability. The new Garmin Nuvi 765T is their latest model with lots of new features which make it easier and safer to use.

Garmin have added several features which improve the way information is presented. These make the device safer as it requires less attention leaving the driver to concentrate on what is happening on the road. Lane confusion is a common problem with sat nav as the directions are not always clear. On complicated junctions it can be very difficult to choose the necessary lane. The Lane Guidance feature actually shows a picture of the exact layout of the junction and which lane you need to be in. For help in navigating through cities the 3-D buildings feature will make it easier to know where you are. Many building will be shown in life like representations, giving you more time to watch the road.

Traffic jams are of course one of the most annoying aspects of driving. Many sat nav devices have traffic warnings but usually they are an additional feature which require a subscription or the purchase of additional hardware. This Garmin unit includes traffic assistance for the lifetime of the machine. You do not need to do anything to obtain it just switch the unit on. The traffic information is received continuously but can be silent so that you can listen to the radio or music.

The new Garmin anti-theft design is currently awaiting a patent but has been added to this model. It secures the unit with a PIN but you can enter locations at which it will start without the security code.

The new Hotfix feature is designed to make the device faster. When you switch it off the unit will remember where the nearest satellites are. This means when you switch it back on there is no delay while it searches for the appropriate satellite. This can also be used to locate your car in a large car park as you can switch it on while searching and it will lead you to the last destination.

If you are looking for a new satellite navigation device check out the Garmin Nuvi 765T for amazing new features.

by: Benjo Mars

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