subject: Forex Trading: The Reason Why Amateurs Traders Fail to Make Profits by:Jonathan Harr [print this page] The forex markets are reputed to give instant profits to traders. However, many amateur traders fail to cash in on this potential and usually quit the market after getting frustrated. One of the major reasons why amateur traders fail in forex markets is the complexity of the method that they choose for trading.
Whatever research amateur traders do while choosing a trading method is almost always based on a gut feeling rather than on important aspects that actually make your profits run. It is important to note that methods for trading in forex markets must necessarily include risk management, discipline and psychology.
The gut feeling that induces amateur traders to buy training products is usually due to hyperbole used in promotion materials of training courses. They use phrases like 'jaw dropping secrets of forex markets revealed' or 'unlock the mysteries of Forex trading.' More often than not, the reality dawns upon them soon after they have purchased the course and they find that they had already heard about the method before.
Some amateurs will look for a complicated formula under the impression that anything that gives you instant profits cannot be simple. To their disappointment they find that the formula is actually so simple that they could have thought of it on their own.
The basic why amateurs fail to succeed in forex markets is thus not devoting time or ignoring to learn the full process of trading.
If you are an amateur looking for a method for trading forex then do not make that mistake. Most trading methods available are not complicated but a simple set of rules woven together in an easy manner that are applied in an uncommon way. Complex systems are for banks and obsessive computer enthusiasts. Remember the basic fact of learning: if you cannot understand it, you cannot possibly apply it.
Never ever skip through the learning process. Make sure that you learn the rules of the game: when to set up a trade, the price at which to enter and when to exit. Any program that does not teach you when to exit is not worth it. Neither is the one that does not show you how to protect and manage risk in the trade.
You need to learn how to apply your method in a timely manner, hourly, daily or weekly. You can become a better trader only if you are able to learn how the various aspects of forex trading work in tandem with each other.
Getting an edge in the markets is not complex methods but simple and powerful methods that use only a few indicators.