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subject: Backlink Battleplan: Is it Really Worth the Money? [print this page]

Making backlinks for your sites is amongst the most significant measures in getting your website's pages to rank for the keywords you're targeting. That said, I recently ordered a course named Backlink Battleplan, that was developed by Shane Melaugh of, I am often highly distrustful of almost any IM courses, but this course seemed different than anything I'd found lately. The course guaranteed to deliver a variety of free and effective methods obtaining backlinks via automated tools. I chose to purchase the course because tools popular for obtaining backlinks are very pricey, and many demand monthly subscription fees.

I was extremely pleasantly surprised with the details Shane brought to the table. To begin with, the structure of Shane's course is extremely well-thought out. Shane supplies a Backlinks Battleplan written manual which you can follow, a series of seventeen videos which demonstrate exactly where and how to subscribe to free bookmarking, article directory, RSS aggregators, Web 2.0 and blog community sites and how to submit your links directly to them automatically, or semi-automatically. Shane then goes one step further, and has complete how-to guide to making marketing videos and submitting then to numerous video sites via Tube Mogul. Shane also gives his clients with a checklist to be sure they are not forgetting any crucial steps in the plan.

Most of the websites that Shane presents to get backlinks from require you to set up accounts one time, but after that, your articles and bookmarks are pretty much submitted automatically, or at least semi-automatically. The good thing about Shane's system is that it does not depend on link building solely from one source, and his process produces good layers of links pointing to your money site. I've been applying his program on my site for approximately seven days now, and my incoming links are building slowly but steadily, just the way you want to for a relatively new site.

Currently, you are able to build links more quickly with automated tools like SENuke, and Bookmarking Demon and Scrapebox, but if you're new to internet marketing and not accustomed to dealing with these kind of tools, or have a brand new site that you are promoting, there's a real risk that you could create links too quickly and actually harm, not help, your site's ranking the search engine rankings. Shane's course will allow you to get just the links you need without going overboard.

To sweeten the the deal for his clients, Shane has even included RSS submission software and comprehensive keyword research guides and videos. These are particularly useful to anyone starting out in internet marketing, but his twists on building backlinks are extremely useful even for the veteran marketer.

Backlink Battleplan: Is it Really Worth the Money?

By: Norma Rickman

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