subject: Child Custody Court – Learn How to Best Help Your Case [print this page] Child custody is about determining which parent has the obligation of caring for the child, and taking on all the related responsibilities such as supervision and ensuring the child receive adequate education. The child custody court will attempt to determine what is best for the child, but this process will cause a lot of anguish for caring parents.
Custody is subdivided into two kinds. Physical custody, which is where the child lives and legal custody which involves the rights and responsibilities of the parent. These responsibilities ultimately effect the child's health, welfare and education.
The laws governing a child custody court vary from state to state and country to country. Seek qualified legal counsel.
There are three types of custody that courts can grant:
Exclusive custody grants one parent all rights to the custody of the child and all the responsibilities that go along with it.
Joint custody grants both parents equal rights and say in the upbringing of the child. This only occurs when both parents are seen as being competent enough.
Third party custody grants custody to a third party in the case that neither parent is seen as fit to look after the child. The third party is usually a relative.
When deciding the outcome, the judge may consider many factors. Qualified legal council is a must if you hope to get the best decision possible. Before you take your custody case before a judge, be sure to keep records that support your case that you are the better parent. Do not blame your partner in child custody court, as this hurt your case.
Be sure that you do everything you can to provide the best environment you can for your child, and that includes getting rid of friends who aren't good for your child and ensuring you have no bad habits that may dissuade a judge.
It will be a long hard battle, but will dedication and perseverance you will be able to do it.
Child Custody Court Learn How to Best Help Your Case
By: Alan Katz
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