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subject: SuperCloset - A Review [print this page]

SuperCloset, Inc is known as the leading manufacturer of Automated Hydroponic Grow Systems in the World. They've won several awards for their innovative and revolutionary designs over the past 8 years and they are only getting better!

Based in beautiful San Francisco, California, SuperCloset, Inc. is home to the best Indoor Hydroponic Grow Cabinets on the Internet. San Francisco provides the perfect environment for SuperCloset; combining innovative and imaginative ideologies with progressive methods to local, sustainable, and organic products. They're right at home in the Bay!

Founded by CEO Kip Andersen in 2002, literally in his garage, SuperCloset has quickly become the industry leader within the Hydroponic Cabinet and Indoor Gardening Community. They now operate multiple facilities and have a highly trained and seasoned crew at SuperCloset that works round the clock to ensure the highest quality cabinets possible.

Kip is the Chief Executive Officer and his background includes years of horticulture design and experience. After graduating from California Polytechnic University with a degree in Industrial Technology, Kip moved to the Bay Area and had a great idea for a company and named it SuperCloset. "How do I design and manufacture the absolutely best Hydroponics Cabinets in the World?", he thought. He quickly began his research, and even traveled throughout Europe to seek what equipment, technology, and growing wisdom there was out there to create his new cabinets for SuperCloset and the ideal indoor environment. He found out that many companies never even tried out their systems with the specifications, design, and materials they were using!

Now, if you're looking for an award winning Grow Box, Grow Room, Grow Kit, Hydroponics System, or Grow Tent, look no further! SuperCloset pays attention to the details. Details are incredibly important when growing your own plants. Creating the perfect environment and grow space is crucial for your plants, but is also incredibly difficult to reproduce because there are so many different factors to consider. SuperCloset considers them all.

Measuring the space, airflow, watering systems, temperature, humidity and the thousand other variables is extremely time consuming and downright expensive. SuperCloset has searched for perfectly air-cooled lights, proper temperature, cross air ventilation, and optimal hydroponics systems. SuperCloset requires them to be fully automated, properly air-filtered, light tight, with a door lock and key. They have to have "infra-cool" cabinets that are cool to the touch along with a beautiful clean look and quality. Each SuperCloset cabinet is custom designed for the buyer who gets to choose various elements that are included.

SuperCloset strives to be a 'Green' company, so they do not have catalogs to send out. Most of their information can be found on the website. SuperCloset also donates a large portion of company profits to various non-profit organizations, including, the University of California San Francisco Women and Child's Hospital, The American Cancer Society, and The American Heart Association.

It's definitely worth checking out what SuperCloset has to offer before investing in a hydroponic garden. After all, it's going to last you a long, long time and feed you with the best vegetables, fruits and herbs you've ever tasted!

SuperCloset - A Review

By: Super Closet

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