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subject: A Review Of The Magimix 5150 Cuisine System [print this page]

If you've been considering buying the Magimix 5150 Cuisine System you might be wondering if it's really worth the $500 price tag that's attached to it. This review is going to address exactly what this food processor has to offer and why it is actually quite a bargain. These are the key things you should know prior to purchasing yours.Firstly you need to understand that quality food processors are never cheap, so the price of the Magimix Cuisine 5150 really isn't out of line even though it may appear to be that way at first glance. When looking at the price of this product you have to consider everything that is has to offer, such as shatterproof bowls, a storage feature for attachments and a 12-year motor warranty. When you consider that the motor is usually the first thing to go when a food processor breaks, the fact that the Magimix 5150 comes with a 12-year warranty is quite impressive.It's an efficient set up - all the bowls nest for use so one lid works for all. I am not gentle with my Magimix, by any means, but it's tough and always gives me what I'm after. I've added extra disks, which fit snugly in the box provided and I've also bought extra bowls so I don't have to wash them in between my multiple operations as much. The Amazon website carries extra parts and accessories should you want them. They are quite reasonably priced and the one I ordered showed up at my door in three days!It's also worth noting that the Magimix 5150 isn't just a food processor. The creators of this kitchen appliance have actually combined multiple units into one. Not only does the unit process food but it also works as a mixer, citrus press, grater, chopper, juice extractor and blender all in one. In fact, when you add up the costs of these appliances separately, the Magimix 5150 starts to look like quite the bargain.If you like to spend time in the kitchen and you want one appliance that can pretty much do it all the Magimix 5150 is definitely worth some consideration, especially if you have limited counter space. It's sturdy, easy to use and the versatility of the product just can't be beat. All in all I'd have to say the Magimix 5150 is definitely worth the price.

A Review Of The Magimix 5150 Cuisine System

By: Scott Salter

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