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subject: What Are Removable Partial Dentures? [print this page]

Many of the dental woes of people have been satisfactorily solved thanks to the effort made by the surgeons who practice cosmetic dentistry as an art from a specialized dental practice. There was a time when teeth deformities like breakages, chipped teeth, discoloration of teeth and gaps between the teeth were the main cause of embarrassment to individuals who did not have any option for overcoming this disorder.

The advancements made in the field of cosmetic dentistry not only presented the people with a choice as regards the improvement of their teeth but also made the dentist and the dental practice an accessible and endearing area. There are various aspects of cosmetic dentistry of which the one related to complete as well as partial dentures is the most sought after field among people.

Partial dentures are dentures which are used to fill in the gaps left by the few missing teeth in such a manner that not only do the empty places get filled but the remaining teeth are also kept in their natural positions. The field of cosmetic dentistry features two types of partial dentures namely the fixed partial dentures and the removable partial dentures.

The fixed variety involves the permanent attachment of artificial teeth which bear a striking resemblance to the natural teeth in form of dental implants or bridges. Comparatively, the removable partial dentures, also known as removable dental bridges, consist of artificial teeth which are attached to the jaw with the help of a resin base material connected to a metal framework to keep the teeth in place. As every dentist would inform his patients, there are a number of varieties of removable partial dentures namely acrylic, cast chrome, partial and full dentures.

Immediate dentures are instant among all the cosmetic dentistry options since it is made of acrylic and is widely used in the dental practice for immediately replacing an extracted tooth. The cast chrome partial dentures are more stable as compared to the acrylic and comprise of cast metal frameworks which are made from chrome cobalt. The flexible framework partial dentures are a recent advancement in the field of cosmetic dentistry and consist of nylon-like unbreakable material which is pink in color. A complete denture which features all teeth on the denture.

by: mike

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