But that this also applies to us humans, we have apparently not yet understood. Why have we not yet realized that we humans are very different and, therefore, an individual support needed to best to "grow" - ie our best, optimal management can prove to be?
I have long been busy with this issue and came to the realization that, particularly in the leadership of people new concepts are needed.
In the "internal exile"?
It can not be right that so many people in her work only "work to rule", and instead in the private sector with the greatest energy for your hobbies and hobbies, and only those involved than their "true calling" feel!
Few senior people to know that, in particular the successful motivation of employees is a crucial part of your leadership role is. Especially in this area, for the success of any business is essential, often still govern ignorance, and ignorance:
How do you do that?
Where is this taught?
At the university?
In master classes?
Many people are more or less "suddenly" with the task of guiding face and often think their employees would then have to simply "work", like the machines in the factory halls. And if not, they will be holding against others, "functioning" employees exchanged.
Such an attitude is not only wrong, it is also dangerous. Because it causes a high turnover among employees - and the costs in each company a lot of money. Firstly, the new employee will be enrolled only once again - a time of additional and avoidable costs for older employees. And secondly - and this is the much more important aspect - demoralized with this policy, the remaining employees, they lose by such a policy the staff confidence in the company.
The result is clear: Even the best and most qualified employees will secretly probably soon after a scout elsewhere - left behind only those who do not expect them from other companies are taken.
Products are similar, but not enthusiastic people! Therefore, the successful motivation of your employees is one of the most significant success for the future of your company.
Crunch sale
Especially compared to the sales staff, as well as field office, a special attention in terms of motivation to create.
But even here, the conventional controlling completely fail. Indeed, so figures are only provided that all people have to keep - no matter whether they are "acting pay" or not.
It is true that employees must surely earn money, make your living standard to keep. But why all the "I needs" and any form of self-fulfillment in their spare time to banish would be a big mistake, so you banish the enthusiasm and the personal experience of many successful people in their leisure activities - and what still remains to be enthusiasm and willingness to use Your company left? 75% of all work just because of money, the true fulfillment they seek private.
As a "ruler" in a patriachalisch guided me the company is only right, but I forced my people to this "rascal": I am conducting my staff to their respective companies dominant goal. And that I only depended on numbers, is completely unimportant.
But there's been many years a much better solution. It is probably the only reason still not widely known, because no company is interested in such an essential advantage over many competitors generally known.
The human being
First of all, it is important to understand that each person a different psychological profile of has. And as a result different preferences and different ways of thinking and action. In particular, the motives of different people are sometimes very different.
The basic motives to know exactly who these people just for his behavior and authoritative, but is essential to motivate employees. The word motivation is yes "motive", and only if we act on this fundamental motif of a human being understood, we can treat it accordingly. And only then will he ever the best of its services - and is voluntarily and without pressure. People want to be recognized, and need confirmation in her so.
Therefore, the strategy Kieninger following steps:
Recognize the UrMotive your counterpart
Confirm you are using the power of affirming words
Create the same eye level
Formulate smart goals
and accepting a job inviduellen
This man is highly motivated and leadership will be very simple.
About the author
Alexander Kin developed in years of intensive research: The Kining personal analysis, The Kining strategy and The Kining modell. He is author of FISH! on sales., Top in Sales and Solution focused selling and management. http://www.kiening.at/kiBlog/
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