subject: How To Make Money Online By Creating Short Reports [print this page] There are many ways you can make money online fast. Creating and selling short reports is just one of them. But I can truly say it is probably one of the fastest methods out there. The report only needs to be about 20 pages and it can make you a fortune. Literally. Most people try to put together a long drawn out report. This is not needed. In this type of situation less is more. People don't want something that will take them forever to read. They want it to get straight to the point. You goal is to solve a problem quickly. people have a million different problems and they are looking for solutions to all of them. If you can provide them with a solution, you will be able to turn that into a ton of money quickly. After you figure out what problem you want to solve its time to put the solution in a short report. As I stated before, the report doesn't need to be anything long. It can be as short as 6 pages and as long as 20 pages. You want the report to be short but not too short. It will be pretty hard to sell a report that is only 2 pages long. So stick with at least 6 pages. It would actually be better if it was 10 pages. Creating the report will probably be the hardest part because of the time that it can take. You can't just throw it together and expect people to actually want it. And even if they do buy it, if its full of crap you will have a bunch of refund requests. If you want to get the short report done as quickly as possible, you can always use a PLR product. Make a few changes and then put it online and start selling it.
How To Make Money Online By Creating Short Reports
By: H. Miller
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