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subject: Review Canon T1i 18 55mm 55 250mm Lens Kit [print this page]

To whom it may concern:
To whom it may concern:

I'm writing this review not because I've received my product quickly or with out problems. The star rating i gave this Item is because the Item, Amazon and even the Seller whom i bought the item from have done what i feel is a good job as far as the purchase is concerned.

however, The choice of shipper is the problem,The item will be delivered in the range of dates that amazon gave me but thats not the issue. The issue is that the Fedex driver had my item at my front door with me in the house with another person and a dog who barks at any noise she hears and left a "Door Tag" that read "Sorry We Missed You". In plain sight of the door he was standing at is my 56" flat panel that was on at a normal volume and me sitting right in front of it. If you can tell someone is home why not make sure you get their attention? I dont mean kick the door in, But make enough of an effort to do your job you get paid to do! The item will return tomorrow i'm sure maybe even with the same delivery driver, but here's the problem i wont be there to sign for it and niether will anyone else for the rest of the week. I took a day off work to be sure to be there and i get struck with a Fedex guy who cant KNOCK ON A DOOR.

So in regaurds to the sellers choice of services they use to deliver you valued goods, Please be sure ask for a reliable service like UPS or at the very least USPS.

I understand that this was an isolated case of laziness, however the shipping services used by sellers on Amazon.Com will shift due to issues like this. Shipping serivices that dont take pride in meeting or beating the dateline set by the Huge on-line market will fade away to a service who isn't to lazy to do their absolute best instead of being to affraid to Knock alil harder..

I've been an aspiring photographer for most of my adult life and always striving to get that better shot.I'll never be a pro, but always striving for a better photo. I used to have a nice 35mm outfit with multiple lenses, but then the digital age came into play. I've had a few digital cameras, but nothing with the capabilities of a true SLR. Finally, with much thanks to my Wife, I have a new Canon Eos Rebel t1i and couldn't be happier and am very impressed with the image quality of this camera. If you want simple, just run in full auto mode. After that, the capabilities with the various modes are as flexible as your imagination. I'm just getting started (had it for 3 weeks now), but each time I use it, I'm more impressed. Definitely a great camera for the money. I purchased with the standard 18-55 mm Kit lens and also the 75-250mm zoom. I would recommend doing the same, or at least plan on adding lenses down the road. These two lenses give me a very good range and I'm finding the zoom is great for candid photos and wildlife shots. Time will tell, but so far, I think I made the right choice.


Review Canon T1i 18 55mm 55 250mm Lens Kit

By: Pina

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