subject: The Four Golden Rules Of Advertising Online [print this page] When you are advertising to make money online, it is important to keep in mind that you absolutely must be getting a return on your investment. With that in mind, here are four quick and easy tips to help you profit from any advertising campaign you start online.
Be In It For The Long Term
Before you begin your campaign you must decide if you are trying to make money on the front end or on the back end. Many marketers try to grab as much profit up front as possible, without considering the lucrative back end sales.
Your goal in almost any advertising campaign should not be to make a sale right off the bat. You need to build trust with your prospects before they will buy from you. Once they do decide to buy (and if you treat them well), you will have a lucrative lifetime customer on your hands.
Therefore, in any advertising campaign, I strongly suggest you focus on collecting your prospects email or physical mailing addresses which will allow you to not only build up trust but to market to them over and over again (which means more profits for you).
Start Out Slowly
With any advertising campaign, you will want to start out slowly. There are way too many variables that must be tested before you should invest heavily in any campaign.
Remember, test, test and test some more. Once you have a winning strategy, then you can start to roll out your advertising more heavily.
Know Your Target Market
I see new marketers making the same big mistake over and over again - not knowing their intended target market. How can you create a successful marketing campaign if you don't know who you are trying to target? You may have a wonderful product or service, but unless it is the fountain of youth in a bottle, not everyone will be interested in it.
Focus on your target market or you are simply throwing away your money.
Reinvest Your Profits
This seems like a no brainer, but many new marketers just never grasp this concept. If you want your business to grow, the best thing you can do is invest your profits back into your advertising campaigns. The more you can invest the better.
by: Jason Tarasi
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