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subject: Great Money Guide [print this page]

Guys ,this is Great Money Guide on Runescape .hope you like it .

Requirements listed : A RuneScape Members Account , A lot of cash and A High Summoning Level .

This method involves using Summoning Pouches, so first of all, you will need to head over to the Grand Exchange, and withdraw some of your hard earned cash.

Below is a list of the pouches you should buy, and what levels you need :

- Level 53 Summoning, Pyre Lord Pouches.

- Level 78 Summoning, Granite Lobster Pouches (not to be confused with Granite Crab Pouches)


- Granite Lobster Pouches are averaged at 2550gp each on the G.E.

- Each swap (explained in more detail later) gives you 117 Summoning Shards.

- 117 Shards at 25gp each = 2925gp each.

- That's nearly 400gp profit PER POUCH!


- 77 Shards per swap

- Averaged at 1800gp on G.E.

- 77 Shards at 25gp = 1925gp each.

- That's over 100gp per pouch!

The way to make money off this is to head over to Castle Wars, head east to Yanille, then head south to the Feldip Hills.

Below is the table with the levels you need to swap various pouches:


Junk came around when the RWT updates came along, and it is used as a substitute for cash. Junk is usually bought from other players or "Junk Sellers". Junk items are items with a stable price.

Good Junk is below: Maple Longbows (u) ,Willow Longbows (u) ,Fire Runes ,Mind Runes ,Any other elemental rune and Stable items under 500k .

Make sure you are getting a good deal with Junk, always check the prices and the G.E. DataBase for the prices and if it's stable or not.

Repeat this as many times as you want, and have fun with your MILLIONS!

You also can give me your comment and suggestions you'd like to . thanks for your reading .

Great Money Guide

By: yjl1990

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