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subject: HSM K100 Baler Review [print this page]

A reliable baler can create compact bundles out of the masses of shreds created by industrial size shredders. The K100 is the top model produced by HSM and works in conjunction with the FA500.2 Shredder. It is designed for high volume output in environments with massive amounts of shredded waste. The automatic compressing system quickly converts large bags of shreds into compact bundles ready for recycling. Here is a closer look at the details of the K100.


While the size of this model can be daunting, it's actually quite simple to use. A readable control panel provides safe and efficient operation, even for inexperienced users. And the wear-free hydraulics require very little maintenance, letting you worry about other things. The connections between the shredder and baler when used together are designed to be dust-free. This results in less clean up as well as decreased wear and corrosion from dust particles.

The modern technological construction serves to give you a quieter machine as compared to similar balers. It also provides energy saving operation, which minimizes electricity costs.

Both shredded and whole materials can enter the machine for baling. A top flap allows non-sensitive materials such as newspaper or old cardboard to be added to the bale for extra convenience. When used with the FA500.2, both machines will operate at the same time.

The powerful hydraulic system uses 8 tons of pressure to compact the materials. Individual compressions take about 15.5 seconds. The machine uses multiple presses before the bundle is complete. Anywhere from 6-10 bales are created every hour and weigh between 66 and 132 pounds.

The finished bundles measure 21.75" by 17.75" by 39.5", much bigger than the ones created by HSM's other balers. The bales can easily be stacked against a wall or in a corner for storage until they are picked up for recycling.

A one year warranty on parts and labor is provided by the manufacturer on this product.


As with any large piece of equipment, this one comes with a hefty price tag. While the benefits outweigh the cost for most users, some will want a more budget friendly baler. For this we recommend the K88 or K80, both of which still work with the FA500.2.

This machine is extremely heavy, weighing almost two tons. There are casters on the bottom for added mobility, but it will still be heavy and awkward to move.

This baler is only designed to work with one shredder. If you already have this shredder or were planning to purchase one anyway, this shouldn't be much of an issue for you. Offices already owning a different model will either need to switch or look into which baler is designed to go with their shredder.

Clearly from the many strengths, the K100 is an excellent choice for any office looking for an efficient way to package shredded waste. Large warehouses or industrial areas will especially benefit from the speed and cost-effectiveness of this device. We would highly recommend the K100 as an ideal addition to any office with a FA500.2 shredder.

HSM K100 Baler Review

By: Jeff McRitchie

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