subject: Positive Child Discipline, What Most Programs Are Not Telling You! [print this page] Mostly everyone who is talking about, or writing about positive child discipline, is telling you that there are certain positive parenting tips that you can use, or learn to incorporate into your life, and then your life will magically get better. While most of these tips are surely useful, they are leaving out a few important things!
The most important thing they are not telling you is that there is a definite reason why your children are not behaving the way they should. If you don't start with this, then any gain you might get by using positive child discipline techniques, will just be negated. Also, if you don't understand the real reason they have misbehaved, then you will likely not fully commit to a new way of parenting.
I've kept you in suspense long enough. I'll give you the short version here, and for a full explanation, go to positive parenting tips! What it simply has to do with is your child's fear/stress levels. When they go up, something called cortisol is produced in extra amounts, and it goes to the brain. This then causes them to be dis-oriented, and to act up. If you've ever yelled or screamed at your children thinking this would get them to snap to, think again. You were actually adding to the problem!
There's still more to this story. Over time, the effects of this cortisol can have disastrous effects. It can cause teenage delinquency and sociopathic behaviors. So, it's definitely a good idea, if you're struggling with the forms of child discipline you use now, to think about learning some new positive parenting tips!
There's just one more very important thing to note. There are ways that you may be increasing the fear in your children, and you don't even realize it. This would be by using punishments and rewards. Punishments do this for obvious reasons. When you use rewards, the effects are more subtle, but can be just as damaging. A child can become fearful of not performing well or up to expectations. The end result is the same.
Please follow the links provided to get more information about this. Also, once you are hopefully convinced that positive child discipline is the way to go, check out this program at positive child discipline. There you will receive unlimited support, and the positive parenting tips you will need to replace the old forms of child discipline that you leave behind!
Positive Child Discipline, What Most Programs Are Not Telling You!
By: Paul Donahue
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