subject: Get the Best Automobile Insurance Rates [print this page] It is a responsibility of every citizen to insure their cars before taking them on the road. As the automobile sector is booming with competitive insurance companies it is the duty of every one of us to know all about the available Automobile Insurance. It is wise decision to look for all insurance rates before finalizing one that suits you.
Rates of Automobile Insurance always depends on different elements. The premium rates are high for men than women as men drive more miles in average than females and are more inclined towards the risk of accidents. Teenage drivers without prior driving experience have to pay a high premium rate than the driver above 25 years of age. The driving record also plays an important part in determining the rate of premium. Less traffic violations and less amount of accidents lowers the rate of insurance.
Having good credit points also lowers the premium rate for an insurance holder. Depending upon the number of accidents and the severity of accidents premium rates may increase to 25 to 30 percent. Married policy owners often have to pay lower premiums than the single policy holder. The classification of vehicles also affects the rates. Vehicles that are considered as luxury vehicles usually carry expensive premiums for physical damage because they are very costly to replace. Some of the insurance companies has installed GPS based device to track down the driving practice of their policy holders. Increasing your deductibles will lower the premium rates.
Automobile Insurance Rates also depend upon the model of your car. Sports cars and luxury cars will fetch you high rates. Small and inexpensive cars will give you low rate. If you have multiple polices of a particular company then you will have a lower insurance rate. The company offers you huge discount as you are already a part of existing policies of the company. Another factor that modifies the rate of automobile insurance is the rate of auto theft in the area.
If the rate of auto theft is high, then the premium of the insurance will increase. Now you can get a insurance rate easily by just using few tactics while you search for car policies. Before signing any insurance papers for your vehicle you must research thoroughly about the insurance costs and rates this will help you to know about all about the insurance you are intending to buy.
Get the Best Automobile Insurance Rates
By: Alok Kumar
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