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Debt Free Solutions – Tips To Eliminate Credit Card Debt And Just Use Cash

Would you go to the bank and take out a loan to buy clothing or go to the restaurant? Probably not. But that's exactly what you're doing when you use your credit card for those purchases! When you buy food with your credit card, how long does that investment last?

In fact, the main areas that most people whip out the plastic for are conveniences, indulgences, and appearances.


An example of a convenience would be fast food, hiring someone else instead of doing it yourself. But did you know that the average worker spends around $150/month just eating out for lunch at work? What if you could bring a sack lunch for a few days a week and save over $75/month? This is an example of how a small change like this can make a huge difference in your monthly budget.


An indulgence would be shopping to relieve stress. For example, you've had a hard week and go out to eat. You charge it. Then you go to the mall and buy yourself something because you deserve it. You charge it. Then, the bills come in. You're stressed. It's been another hard week at work. You go out to eat. The cycle starts all over again.


Most Americans are trying to keep up with the Joneses. Well don't bother. The Joneses are going broke. According to a recent study by the U.S. Department of Labor, 96% of Americans are financial failures by age 65. Who wants to keep up with that?

So what's the solution?

The # 1 task we have to do is to stop creating new debt. How? Perform "plastic surgery" Yes, cut them up! "But I need a credit card in today's world!" you exclaim. No, you don't. You need a debit card which takes purchases directly out of your checking account. Think of how much less stress you'll have by not letting old debts haunt you.

Debt Free Solutions Tips To Eliminate Credit Card Debt And Just Use Cash

By: pollstump

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