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London Is A World Class Business Destination

London often comes out top when people are asked to rate their top business destination in Britain, and that's no surprise when you look at everything that London has to offer.

From stunning hotels to accommodate visitors to state of the art conference venues, London really is the place to do business.

In fact, in 2009 London was rated the number one global city to hold a conference. It came top of the Conference & Incentive Travel Magazine's Hot List and found that more international companies have been holding business meetings and conferences in London due to the recession.

London has several international airports, including Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted, which helps to attract a number of international visitors. The airports also accommodate domestic flights, which makes it relatively convenient for businesses around the UK to meet. There are also fantastic, high-speed train links between London and all major cities, as well as frequent coach routes which link the smaller towns with the capital. The tube is a quick and easy way to get around the capital once you've arrived, however central London is so close that you can often walk between locations. Hailing a cab is easy, as long as you're on a main road, because all it takes is the wave of an arm.

The core of London, known as The City, is the financial district which is an international force in the world of finance. London is home to the headquarters of most of the UK's top 100 listed companies and over 100 of Europe's 500 largest companies. It generates around 20% of Britain's GDP and attracts 15 million international visitors every year.

There are first class venues to entertain business guests too. From restaurants which have been awarded Michelin stars, to tourist attractions such as the London Eye, there are plenty of opportunities to show off the best of the city and cement business relationships.

by: Louis Penn

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