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Best Teleconferences And Webinar Tools For Your Online Business

Best Teleconferences and Webinar Tools For Your Online Business

Youll probably find it interesting to know that Ive been sharing with you the posts you asked for. Meaning, Im answering all of your questions on a day to day basis and through these series of posts or tutorials, it makes everything easier for you to cope up with what Im successfully doing online. Alternatively, these are great hints for me too to help you straightaway! So for todays video, Im going to share with you the best teleconference and webinar tools that I use in the business.

Calliflower and GoToWebinar

Now, there are two of them that I recommend to use. The first one that I recommend is Calliflower and the second one is GoToWebinar. Ill show you in this video inside exactly the two differences or the main differences between both of them.

Its Calliflower, I specifically use it just for teleconferencing services. Its like as though I have a hall meeting room or lecture room where I can just hear the audio and I can hear people raise their hand and also speak to me in the teleconferencing service. I use this specifically for all the members inside my mastermind group so if I have say 50 people who are interested in attending the call and have questions to ask me, they are able to log in to the service for free using Skype and basically be able to raise their hand and ask me any question they want or be able to convert with me in a conversation.

Now, this does cost a little bit of money per month. Its about $50 per month to be able to use this software or this tool online but it is well, well worth it because you can host up to I think 200 people inside teleconference all at one time. The beauty about this is that you can manage everyone all inside the control panel. So let me just log in just to show you what it looks like in the sample of how my solution works.

Teleconferencing Services is different from Webinar Tools

The next one that I want to show you is GoToWebinar. GoToWebinar is slightly different to a teleconferencing service. The powerful thing about this particular tool is that it allows you to have same again, hundreds of people to be able to log in at the same time. But instead of just being in audio, youll actually see a visual presentation. What you could do is to be able to capture what youre currently doing in a presentation way and be able to broadcast it out to numerous people who are on the webinar and be able to see whats going on.

Just imagine or picture yourself in a lecture hall within a University kind of setting and youve got a one board or one slideshow presentation at the beginning and youve got someone running through that presentation and youll hear them talk about through their notes and presenting as well. GoToWebinar is all like that and its just all online. Same thing again, it doesnt cost a little bit money to buy this but once you have this setup, this GoToWebinar is very, very powerful and it allows you to record everything that you do. Furthermore, if youre like me as online Internet marketer, once you recorded these, you can put these webinars into product which you can sell later on down the track.

All right, those are the two pieces of software that I recommend to use and this is in answer to a question from one of my subscribers and I hope that it helped you to give you a clear idea of how to go about holding teleconferences or webinars online. In my opinion, these are one of the cheapest or the most affordable solutions online for teleconferences.

by: videomarkster

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