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subject: Anti-Wrinkle Creams Containing Collagen and Elastin - Are You Wasting Your Money? [print this page]

There is something that you should know when it comes to buying anti-wrinkle creams containing collagen and elastin, and that is that they simply won't work.What you really need is something with an ingredient that stimulates collagen growth.Simply putting it on your skin isn't going to do you any good.

Anti-wrinkle creams containing collagen and elastin are huge sellers because many people don't understand how the ingredients work in a product.If they did understand they would immediately realize that collagen is too dense to be absorbed by the skin, as a result the product doesn't serve any function.

Even if it could possibly be absorbed, it would not have the kind of effect that you would probably be expecting it to.You see, collagen that is derived from an outside source does not blend will with our own.That is why I suggest that you use something that stimulates collagen production as opposed to adding it from an outside source.

Even if you could find anti-wrinkle creams containing collagen and elastin that work the collagen would be quickly broken down by your body, because it doesn't belong there.You see, most of the collagen that they derive for these products comes from cows, pigs or chickens. It's close, but not exactly like ours.

You want something that stimulates collagen production throughout your own body, because your own collagen won't be broken down by your body.Once you get your level of production up to where it was when you were much younger, then you will be amazed at how much more youthful your appearance is.

What would serve you better than anti-wrinkle creams containing collagen and elastin are creams that contain Functional Keratin.This newly discovered blending of proteins gives you the ability to re-grow the collagen that you have lost over the years.And this ingeniously formulated product will return you to your former glory.

Functional Keratin was the magic ingredient that I was thinking about when I told you that it is better to use a product that stimulates collagen production.This natural ingredient, along with Phytessence Wakame sea kelp extract, could be just what you need in order to overhaul your appearance.

You won't need to waste any more time and money on anti-wrinkle creams containing collagen and elastin if you have a formula that includes these two ingredients.Then you will never have to worry about trying to erase your lines and wrinkles again, because they will have magically melted away.

That's because will you be using a product that stimulates collagen, but it will also raise your level of hyaluronic acid back up to where it should be.This is accomplished through the ability that Phytessence Wakame has to turn off the enzyme in your skin which had been holding the level down.

This formula will give you far better results than will anti-wrinkle creams containing collagen and elastin.You will simply be amazed when you look in the mirror after just a few short weeks, and see someone staring back that you hadn't seen in a considerably long time.I know that these products will make you very happy.

Anti-Wrinkle Creams Containing Collagen and Elastin - Are You Wasting Your Money?

By: Maureen Devine

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