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Angelina Jolie stars as the CIA operative Evelyn Salt. Evelyn's life is all rosy until a Russian from her past comes back to haunt her. She is one of the CIA's top agents but her world is turned upside down when she is accused of being a double agent.

Without going to much into the plot of this story I pretty much had worked out what was going to happen all the way through the movie and probably predicted the ending about 15 minutes into the film, Having said that if you take this movie at face value it isn't that bad.

I thought this movie was going to be a typical summer blockbuster with big explosions, fast car chances, impressive stunts and good fight scenes, I was wrong. This film was marketed as a fast paced action movie and while it does have some redeeming moments it doesn't have enough of them. There are very little fight scenes, a small car chase which involves a lot of jumping from one truck to another and a few scenes with some guns going off in the background.

Overall as an action movie it pretty much fails simply because there isn't enough in the film to keep it going. Some of the twists in the movie are pretty good but I think their made very easy to guess what is going to happen next and because of this the movie is spoiled a little once again.

If there is nothing else to do then by all means watch this movie because it may keep you entertained for an hour but that's about it. Sadly it isn't one of Angelina Jolie's best.

Salt Movie review

By: Ricky Davies

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