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subject: Business Secrets Of A Virtuous Woman! (part 1) [print this page]

Business Secrets Of A Virtuous Woman! (part 1)

Let's discuss a passage in the Bible known as "The Virtuous Woman". In Proverbs 31:10-31, this is a passage that defines what many Bible teachers consider to be the qualities of an ideal woman, or Christian wife. Usually, teachers from this passage concentrate solely on the overtly spiritual characteristics of this woman.

What many people fail to point out, however, is that this woman is an awesome business person! She knows how to generate a lot of money, and to use this ability to be a blessing to other people!

She Not Only Works Harder... She Works Smarter!

Proverbs 31:10

10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

This word "virtuous" comes from the Hebrew word, "chayil", which means:

strength, might, efficiency, army, wealth

So besides having fantastic "spiritual" qualities, this is a woman who also possesses many practical traits important to making a lot of money.

Check out that last word, "army". As we review this passage verse by verse, a picture will begin to unfold that this one woman is so efficient, business savvy, and talented, that she literally possesses the capability to perform the work of many people! In other words this woman achieves the results of an entire "army" of people! :-)

Isn't it true that riches, wealth, income, and money tend to flow to those people who are more productive, effective, and efficient in the business world?

Now as we take a look at the rest of this passage, we will begin to see that she

actually "does" work hard... as well as smart. But as multi-millionaire Dan , "no one can work 1,000 times harder than you, and no one can

be 1,000 times smarter than you, but there are people who make 1,000

more money than you".

Since we all have the same 24 hours each day, then, the key to creating

wealth often lies in what we do with our time... which amounts to working

"smarter", not just "harder"... just like the lady mentioned in Proverbs 31.

In the words of multi-millionaire car dealer Rhett Ricart: "The only difference

between you and me (financially) is what we do with our time".

So be on the lookout for the next part in this series, as I continue to take a look at the characteristics of King Solomon's Secret Business Woman!

by: Todd Smith

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