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subject: Shaiya Assassins Guide(Shaiya Money) [print this page]

Description in Shaiya:
Description in Shaiya:

One of the most versatile classes(Shaiya Money), rangers are a class based on evading the physical attacks of other melee classes while doing damage with daggers, claws, or reverse swords. They can also set traps, become invisible, transform, and disguise themselves to conform to a variety of situations. Rangers are also the only class that have the sprint skill that allows them to run faster either to travel or in battle. Many of these traits make this class invaluable in pvp as a support character that works behind the brute force and as a character that can solo in PvE without the requirement of a party.


Most ranger builds are based on dexterity, strength, luck, or a combination of these three. Remember that with every level(Shaiya powerleveling) gain, rangers get 1 stat point into dexterity automatically. Dexterity is extremely important to a ranger because it affects the evasion rate and determines the amount of sp you have. Strength determines the base damage the character makes with each hit.

Luck determines the chance of critical and how much it is. Take care that luck is step based in terms of criticals, and it might take a lot of stat points in order to see a huge difference. Common builds include: Str/Dex, Luck/Dex and full Dex. Rangers also get buffs that increase Dexterity and Luck, so you can take that into account when determining how to distribute stat points.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day in Shaiya.

Shaiya Assassins Guide(Shaiya Money)

By: jane

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