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subject: Small Business Security With The Air Purifier Hidden Camera [print this page]

Small Business Security With The Air Purifier Hidden Camera

Small business is the backbone of the U.SSmall business is the backbone of the U.S. economy. They account for the vast majority of job creation and expansion of the economy. They are the innovators for our society. It is free enterprise at work that our founding fathers envisioned. I have the utmost respect for small business owners and have been one of good part of my life. I have had my own ups and downs in the business world, but I remember one time somebody told me how lucky I was. Yes, I replied, the harder I work, the luckier I get.

Did you know that 70 percent of all business losses are due to employee theft and customer theft? I used to tell people referring to my restaurant experience that the only people trying to steal from you were customers, employees and suppliers-everyone else was honest. It seems employees and customers see businesses as feeding troughs. It is a sad tale but true.

I hear stories all the time from customers about how their employees are trying to steal from them. A few weeks ago a customer called looking for advice about an employee who was stealing from her. She knew it was happening just couldn't catch her.

Between the two of us we decided on the air purifier hidden camera with DVR as the best way to solve the problem. She wasn't too tech savvy so besides the simplicity of operation of the unit and world class tech support she felt at ease.

The images are recorded on an SD card for easy playback. Just remove from the camera and insert into your computer's SD card reader. Easy enough?

It is no wonder she caught her employee with her hand in the cookie jar so to speak. Another success story of the hidden camera with DVR.

When are you getting one?

Chances are if you are reading this that crime has touched your life in some way or you consider yourself at risk. Take the next step and do something to protect yourself! Your life and safety is worth far more than the cost of spy camera.

The uses for a hidden cameras are endless. There are home, office and business applications. Undercover law enforcers and government agencies have been using them for years but now they are priced so low that anyone can get one. And easy to use? You bet.

A covert hidden spy camera can be an even better deterrent than a burglar alarm or a security guard. A camera can be used to identify the bad guys catching them red handed indoors or outdoors.

Can you use a spy hidden camera for home, office or business? You actually can't afford to not have one!

by: Jack Krohn

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