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subject: Large Sweet Spot Callaway X-22 Irons Review [print this page]

And for those of you looking for forgiving golf clubs check out the Callaway X-22 irons. These beauties boast an MOI that is 10% higher than the X-20, which means even your bad shots have a chance of finding the target. Nice. They are sold online at discount golf prices, so you can buy them at a pretty low price.

One of the important design features that Callaway is bragging about in their marketing material is the perimeter weighting. They've notched out some of the material from the middle of the rear of the club head, and moved it out to the edges of the club. This increases moment of inertia, which makes the Callaway X-22 irons more forgiving.

A high moment of inertia (MOI) simply means that it resists twisting on off-center hits so that your bad shots are less likely to head off into the woods. These are called "game-improvement" irons, which means that they're generally designed for higher handicap players. Game-improvement is the polite way of marketing to players who desperately need their games to improve, so they're not slowing down play at the course by always having to hunt for their ball in the high weeds. That being said, The X-22s have also performed well for lower handicap players.

The Callaway X-22 irons are one of the most progressive high-performance irons available, promising game improvement where it's needed, as well as high performance for more serious golfers through the many technical advancements in their design. Offering distance, power, accuracy as well as a great deal of forgiveness, these high-quality irons have a playability that will enhance your game and a price tag that makes them the perfect set to invest in. You can try to find X-22s sold at discount golf prices online to reduce the cost.

Large Sweet Spot Callaway X-22 Irons Review

By: discountgolfprice

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