subject: These 3 Things Can Save You Pounds On Your Car Insurance Premiums [print this page] If you find yourself paying high insurance premiums for your car, you're not alone. Insurance premiums in the UK have risen drastically in recent years and it doesn't look like that trend is going to end any time soon.
Everyone needs car insurance, but they don't have to pay a lot for it. If you want to save hundreds per year on your car insurance, use the following three techniques and keep more of your money in your wallet.
1. Use Security Devices:
Car insurance companies charge more to customers that live in high risk car crime areas. That's because these areas are prime targets for car thefts and break-ins. If you live in one of these areas, or even if you live in a safe zone that pays a lower premium, getting a security device on your vehicle can bring your car insurance premium down 5% or even more.
When you install an anti-theft device on your car, the car insurance sees your car as less likely to be broken into or stolen and so they issue you a discount. Just putting a simple approved security device on your vehicle can drastically drop the premium you're paying.
2. Compare Companies:
When you start searching for car insurance cover, it can seem confusing as to which company you should choose. The good thing is the internet allows you to do a side by side comparison of two or more insurance companies. That allows you to see which companies offer the most competitive rates, and you can even compare cost to cover and other details.
However, when doing these comparisons, make sure you're comparing like to like cover. That means, make sure the quotes you're looking at from the various companies involve the exact same terms of cover. Once you begin digging, you'll see that some companies look as though they're offering great prices, but then you notice that their cover leaves a lot to be desired.
3. Use Your Garage:
If you have a garage and it's full of clutter, clean it out and use it to park your car in. Not only will you save your car's paint job, and the need to scrape ice off your windscreen in the wintertime, the car insurance companies will give you a discount for doing so. Their thinking is that your car is less susceptible to an vandalism and theft while it's parked in the garage, as opposed to being parked in the street where it could easily be targeted. If you don't have a garage, consider having one built, or build a car port that some insurance companies also reward you for.
If you use these three tips, you can ensure that you get really cheap car insurance. You just have to be careful to check all the details, and to find all the hidden ways you can save money within your current insurance policy. You can even call your insurance provider to ask them about certain discounts you may apply for. But the above three tips should be enough on their own to save you pounds each year.
by: Tom Jones
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