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subject: Changing Trends in CD Duplication Business – Sustainable CD Packaging [print this page]

Increasing number of music CD and DVD releases every year CD duplication has become a booming business for optical media companies. These companies buy CDs and DVDs at low cost for CD duplication at a mass scale. Once those CDs are burned with data and sold in the market as finished product their job is over. There are millions of buyers out there who just wait for a new music video or games video to be released, buy it and listen to it as long as long as it is on vogue and then forget. Just like thousands of new CD releases everyday equal number of old CDs are trashed away. Most of those CDs contain chemicals and synthetic colors used for CD printing. Did you ever think of what happens to those rejected CDs? They mostly produce junks that can be quite harmful and toxic for our health.

Changing Trends

Global awareness for environmental pollution is increasing among common people. The impact is on the business of CD duplication as well. The changing trends in the business of CD duplication are evident. New standards are set for CD duplication and packaging to maintain quality as well as control pollution out of trashed CDs and DVDs. Many optical media companies are turning to sustainable CD packaging and printing as part of CD duplication business.

Sustainable CD Packaging

Papers and cardboards have always been a traditional choice for packing and packaging. But for CDs and DVDs plastic jewel cases are the convention when they are to be produced and shipped in bulk. Now, with recycled materials for packaging it's like old wine in new bottle. CD duplication companies are now presenting CDs and DVDs in smartly designed CD sleeves and CD jackets and wallets made of papers and cardboard that are produced from 100% recycled fiber instead of virgin paper to spare trees and plantation.

Now, conformists may argue about the durability and sturdiness of paper and cardboard. But modern CD DVD duplication companies are smart enough to improvise appropriate designs to make cardboard CD sleeves and cases last long and protect the data. However, there is no reason to think that with recycled materials CD packaging has lost its glamour. There are the options of full color digital printing and aqueous coating for smooth glossy and durable finish. Moreover, sustainable CD sleeves are much lighter than plastic jewel cases. So, there is a way to save money on bulk CD shipment.

Eco-friendly CD Printing

CD DVD duplication is incomplete without the labels printed on it. Printing labels involved inks containing petroleum-based chemicals so far. Now CD replication companies started using eco-friendly inks produced from soy and vegetables extracts. There are compatible printers already in the market for CD printing using vegetable-based inks. These green printers are capable of maintaining the same quality of printing that is delivered by conventional CD label printers.

Changing Trends in CD Duplication Business Sustainable CD Packaging

By: Michael Scott

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