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The installation got me headaches because the software asked me about my screen resolution dpi and things about .net frameworks I knew nothing about. Then I spent 3 hours trying figure how to weld letters together, then spent even more time when I got adventurous and tried to make shadows.

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Everytime I wanted to try something new and a little complex, I had to put my scrapbooking on stand-by and go on a web hunt for solutions... Wasting hours and hours reading blog posts and forum threads.

I wish there had been a guide I could use as an easy reference whenever I stumbled upon an obstacle when I started out... but there wasn't.

Sure there are some websites out there that offer good information about the cricut ds but I always ran into one of these two problems:

* Problem #1: The free websites and blogs usually talk about one or just a few aspects of the software. There's no real central place where you can find everything you need to know. Every time I had a problem I found the answer on a different website than where I found the solution to my previous struggle and finding that website always included a lot of searching.

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* Problem #2: The paid websites and other manuals were either outdated, incomplete or hard to follow. Some even have videos explaining the different concepts, and that is all well but sometimes I just needed a quick reference guide where I would find a function's purpose fast without having to watch another long video.

Would you like to have an up-to-date quick reference manual and guide that takes you by the hand and shows you all the wonders of DS?

To start using your scrapbooking time focusing on creating instead of wondering how to make the software do its job?

I took the time to compile every function of the software and design technique into a tutorial called "Taming The Green Bug" for anybody who'd like to avoid going through the steep learning curve.

Taming The Green Bug is a downloadable manual that covers everything you need to know to start using DS to its full potential; from the installation process to complex design features.

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Taming The Green Bug Review

By: jakewalton

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