subject: Insurance Fraud [print this page] Insurance fraud from areas including workers comp. insurance fraud, medical insurance fraud, property insurance fraud, or automobile insurance fraud costs insurance companies millions of dollars a year leading to higher premiums. This kind of criminal activity is being carried out by people who pretend to be decent, unfortunate or disabled persons who deserve sympathy. The truth is that they steal from insurance companies on a daily basisjust as surely as if they were breaking into a home or robbing a bank. Their laziness costs your company profits that may be better spent improving its insurance scheme as well as its bottom line. In order to stop the unnecessary waste and uncover this fraudulent and criminal activity, you need the best investigator whose prices are reasonable and whose ultimate goal is uncover the fraudulent activity.
The cornerstone of Lakeside Investigations is experience. This is the foundation upon which our entire operation rests. We guarantee that every one of our field investigators will possess specific knowledge of your insurance niche and the geographical area in which you and your claimants reside. We house specialists in a number of areas, ranging from auto insurance claims to worker compensation, and all claims in between. While we don't try to be everything to everyone, we make it our duty to hire a wide range of specialists with extensive capabilities, so that our knowledge and experience base is sure to fit the needs of your case. Plus our costs are kept competitive and this is done not by compromising service or short-changing workers, but by truly hiring the best and most experienced workers who will work with maximum efficiency. Our investigation will always be conducted in a systematic method, employing tried and proven protocol that brings the highest level of returns.
Our Promise
The investigators we house are dedicated to fulfilling your needs and getting you the answers you deserve. They work diligently and expeditiously to ensure that all procedures and codes are being adhered to by those for whom your company faces financial obligations. We believe in fairness, and we are aware that many fraudulent claims exist that prey upon the insurance promises made by your firm. Our experts are highly skilled at detecting activities associated with fraud, and are continually updating their knowledge to include the newest methods of insurance fraud. We seek out those who seek to misapply the law and misappropriate your funds for their illegal benefit. We save you money on every level of service, not only in the competitive nature of our fees, but also with guaranteed detection of claimant activities that illegally trespass on the obligations of your firm.
Our Methods
Our highly trained and knowledgeable insurance fraud investigators undertake finely tuned and highly technical surveillance of all claimants to ensure that their circumstances truly warrant the compensation your company is obliged to give. We observe subjects who fit a wide range of descriptions, and while we do find those who truly deserve compensation, we also detect many who can be seen doing things they should or are supposedly unable to do. We have discovered persons who have been engaged in work that grants them a source of income that goes unreported in claims documents. We use such tactics as surveillance, observation, document research, and other forms of records investigation to discover notorious acts of fraud that illegally draw on your financial resources.
Insurance Fraud
By: Lakeside Investigations
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