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subject: Show Business And The World Of Make-up [print this page]

There are many different paths to reach a life of show business. If one is talented with music, he could be a singer or perhaps a musician, and there are many who choose to go into the field of acting. However, there is one much easier way to have a show business career without having to work nearly as hard to get there.

The show business world is in constant demand for creative and competent make-up artists and beauticians. No matter what area of performance it is, make-up is absolutely essential for a successful show.

As a matter of fact, most Broadway and television shows first pick out the make-up crews before the actual casting.

People are unaware of the large amounts of time and energy that are exerted into the make-up that is required for every kind of show. The average thirty-second television commercial consisting of three main actors and five to ten extras can mean about twelve to thirteen hours of make-up preparations, depending on the scene and setting.

As a matter of fact, a make-up artist hired to oversee a television show, commercial, or movie does not finish working at the end of pre-stage preparations. What usually happens is that the artist is asked to remain for the duration of the filming in order to make adjustments on the actors, as they often sweat and require new make-up in order to continue filming.

Even in plays and magic shows actors require new make-up between scenes. The average play consists of at least five scenes, and the average magic show consists of at least ten to fifteen tricks, all of which require immediate make-up attention for the transition into the next scene.

In some instances make-up artists get special recognition for their work. The Academy Awards have a special award for the best make-up in a feature film, in which the academy awards the most creative and precise make-up artist for basically crafting the face of the movie.

In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the fact that beauticians and make-up professionals are not only hired in the corner beauty shop but are, rather, an inseparable part of the show business industry.

by: Mei Goldenrod.

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