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subject: Mlm Lead Generation: The Cash-flow Creating Funded Proposal [print this page]

Let's get started:
Let's get started:

If this isn't your first day venturing into the concept of Internet Network Marketing you are probably familiar with the concept of building a list. Typically this will function in the process of capturing a prospect's name and email (maybe phone too) into an automated email marketing system like Aweber or GetResponse. Usually to entice the Opt-in you will offer a free report or access to an educational video series as a thank you. It's a classic way to build your list of prospective business partners and customers!

And if you're anything like the general public, you've probably signed up to many things in the past just for the free gift, and you've probably ended up making a few purchases as a result too!

But let's expand on this concept. What if you offer a really high value product at a low-moderate price that was in some way related to your opportunity or business? The people who become you customers have now PROVEN themselves to you to be highly qualified, as opposed to those just searching for Freebies.

In addition to creating HIGHER QUALITY leads, you also have the ability to monetize off of more people that Opt-in on your list. Think about this... conservative estimates show us that only about 1-2% of the people (1 to 2 out of 100) that Opt-in on your list will sign up with you in your business (unless you are generating some crazy wicked targeted Company-specific traffic) what do you do with the other 98 people?

You can still show value to the other individuals and offer them a product or service through affiliate marketing that will help them with their business or specific goals.

The main goal of the Funded Proposal is to bring a flow of money in from the beginning, as you start growing your MLM Lead Generation machine and to keep that steady flow coming in.

What's exciting is that since your lead has already demonstrated interested in what you're offering by spending some hard-earned cash on your product... you know that this person has a better chance of joining you than somebody who just wanted to take advantage of a free offer.

Now there is nothing wrong with offering things for free. In fact, one of my most popular "Opt-ins" came from a 7 day Video Series on List Building Mastery. Freebies are totally fine! But the products that sell through your Funded Proposal are going to product more positive results in the long run.

For your MLM Lead Generation Machine, a funded proposal isn't just an option, it's a necessity!

by: Rachel Jackson

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